Oil Paintings and Drawings By Tricia Fillingim

Reaching Purity Sydney Lasting Impressions
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I have always been fascinated by abstract art. Famous artists such as Kandinski and Picasso have always inspired me. For those of you who are not familiar with abstract art, abstract art is art that is not an accurate representation of a form or object. The representation of an object can be differed in many ways including the shape, color, and form. An artist takes the object and then either simplifies it or exaggerates it using many techniques. In high school I went to Europe and was surrounded by the art world. I have always been drawn to art work that was out of the norm.

In some of my paintings I have taken objects and manipulated them using color and line. I like to use vibrant colors to catch ones eye and accent shapes. I pick everyday objects to motivate me and then let the brush and paint guide me the rest of the way. Most of my painting do not have a deep inner meaning they are just what you see.